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Sync Var

SyncVars are properties of classes that inherit from NetworkBehaviour, which are synchronized from the server to clients. When a game object is spawned, or a new player joins a game in progress, they are sent the latest state of all SyncVars on networked objects that are visible to them. Use the [SyncVar] custom attribute to specify which variables in your script you want to synchronize.


The state of SyncVars is applied to game objects on clients before Identity.OnStartClient event is invoked, so the state of the object is always up-to-date in subscribed callbacks.

SyncVars can use any type supported by Mirage. You can have up to 64 SyncVars on a single NetworkBehaviour script, including SyncLists and other sync types.

The server automatically sends SyncVar updates when the value of a SyncVar changes, so you do not need to track when they change or send information about the changes yourself. Changing a value in the inspector will not trigger an update.


SyncVars are not sent right away or in the order they are set. They will be sent as a group in the next sync update.


Let's have a simple Player class with the following code:

using Mirage;
using UnityEngine;

public class Player : NetworkBehaviour
public int clickCount;

private void Update()
if (IsLocalPlayer && Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))

public void ServerRpc_IncreaseClicks()
// This is executed on the server

In this example, when Player A clicks the left mouse button, he sends a ServerRpc to the server where the clickCount SyncVar is incremented. All other visible players will be informed about Player A's new clickCount value.

Class inheritance

SyncVars work with class inheritance. Consider this example:

private class Pet : NetworkBehaviour
private string name;

private class Cat : Pet
private Color32 color;

You can attach the Cat component to your cat prefab, and it will synchronize both its name and color.


Both Cat and Pet should be in the same assembly. If they are in separate assemblies, make sure not to change name from inside Cat directly, add a method to Pet instead.

SyncVar hook

The hook option of SyncVar attribute can be used to specify a function to be called when the SyncVar changes value on the client and server.

For more information on SyncVar hooks see Sync Var Hooks

Example Client Only

Below is a simple example of assigning a random color to each player when they're spawned on the server. All clients will see all players in the correct colors, even if they join later.

using UnityEngine;
using Mirage;

public class Player : NetworkBehaviour
[SyncVar(hook = nameof(UpdateColor))]
private Color playerColor =;

private Renderer renderer;

// Unity makes a clone of the Material every time renderer.material is used.
// Cache it here and Destroy it in OnDestroy to prevent a memory leak.
private Material cachedMaterial;

private void Awake()
renderer = GetComponent<Renderer>();

private void OnStartServer()
playerColor = Random.ColorHSV(0f, 1f, 1f, 1f, 0.5f, 1f);

private void UpdateColor(Color oldColor, Color newColor)
// this is executed on this player for each client
if (cachedMaterial == null)
cachedMaterial = renderer.material;

cachedMaterial.color = newColor;

private void OnDestroy()

Example Client & Server

Below is a simple example of assigning a random color to each player when they're spawned on the server. All clients will see all players in the correct colors, even if they join later, the server will also fire the event.

using UnityEngine;
using Mirage;

public class Player : NetworkBehaviour
[SyncVar(hook = nameof(UpdateColor), invokeHookOnServer = true)]
private Color playerColor =;

private Renderer renderer;

// Unity makes a clone of the Material every time renderer.material is used.
// Cache it here and Destroy it in OnDestroy to prevent a memory leak.
private Material cachedMaterial;

private void Awake()
renderer = GetComponent<Renderer>();

private void OnStartServer()
playerColor = Random.ColorHSV(0f, 1f, 1f, 1f, 0.5f, 1f);

private void UpdateColor(Color oldColor, Color newColor)
// this is executed on this player for each client
if (cachedMaterial == null)
cachedMaterial = renderer.material;

cachedMaterial.color = newColor;

private void OnDestroy()

SyncVar Initialize Only

Just like regular SyncVars, when a game object is spawned, or a new player joins a game in progress, they are sent the latest state of all SyncVars on networked objects that are visible to them. With the initialOnly flag set to true you will now be able to control the state of the SyncVar manually rather than waiting for Mirage to update them.


Make sure you manually update your observable clients with the new state.
Syncvar Hooks become redundant, as you are setting the state of the Syncvar directly.


using Mirage;
using UnityEngine;

public class Player : NetworkBehaviour
[SyncVar(initialOnly = true)]
private int weaponId;

private void Awake()

private void OnStartClient()
// Update weapon using id from syncvar (sent to client via spawn message

private void Update()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Q))
// Client Request weapon change

private void ServerRpc_SetSyncVarWeaponId(int weaponId)
// Set weapon id on server so new players get it
this.weaponId = weaponId;

// Tell current players about it

// Update weapon on server

private void ClientRpc_SetSyncVarWeaponId(int weaponId)
// Set id on client
this.weaponId = weaponId;

// Update weapon on client

public void UpdateWeapon(int weaponId)
// Do stuff to update weapon here
// For example, its spawning model