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Code Generation

So for this script:

using Mirage;

public class Data : NetworkBehaviour
[SyncVar(hook = nameof(OnInt1Changed))]
public int int1 = 66;

public int int2 = 23487;

public string MyString = "Example string";

void OnInt1Changed(int oldValue, int newValue)
// do something here

The following sample shows the code that is generated by Mirage for the SerializeSyncVars function which is called inside NetworkBehaviour.OnSerialize:

public override bool SerializeSyncVars(NetworkWriter writer, bool initialState)
// Write any SyncVars in base class
bool written = base.SerializeSyncVars(writer, forceAll);

if (initialState)
// The first time a game object is sent to a client, send all the data (and no dirty bits)
return true;
// Writes which SyncVars have changed

if ((base.get_syncVarDirtyBits() & 1u) != 0u)
written = true;

if ((base.get_syncVarDirtyBits() & 2u) != 0u)
written = true;

if ((base.get_syncVarDirtyBits() & 4u) != 0u)
written = true;

return written;

The following sample shows the code that is generated by Mirage for the DeserializeSyncVars function which is called inside NetworkBehaviour.OnDeserialize:

public override void DeserializeSyncVars(NetworkReader reader, bool initialState)
// Read any SyncVars in base class
base.DeserializeSyncVars(reader, initialState);

if (initialState)
// The first time a game object is sent to a client, read all the data (and no dirty bits)
int oldInt1 = this.int1;
this.int1 = (int)reader.ReadPackedUInt32();
// if old and new values are not equal, call hook
if (!base.SyncVarEqual<int>(num, ref this.int1))
this.OnInt1Changed(num, this.int1);

this.int2 = (int)reader.ReadPackedUInt32();
this.MyString = reader.ReadString();

int dirtySyncVars = (int)reader.ReadPackedUInt32();
// is 1st SyncVar dirty
if ((dirtySyncVars & 1) != 0)
int oldInt1 = this.int1;
this.int1 = (int)reader.ReadPackedUInt32();
// if old and new values are not equal, call hook
if (!base.SyncVarEqual<int>(num, ref this.int1))
this.OnInt1Changed(num, this.int1);

// is 2nd SyncVar dirty
if ((dirtySyncVars & 2) != 0)
this.int2 = (int)reader.ReadPackedUInt32();

// is 3rd SyncVar dirty
if ((dirtySyncVars & 4) != 0)
this.MyString = reader.ReadString();

If a NetworkBehaviour has a base class that also has serialization functions, the base class functions should also be called.