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Sync List

SyncList is an array-based list similar to C# List<T> that synchronizes its contents from the server to the clients.

A SyncList can contain any supported Mirage type.


Add a field of type SyncList on any NetworkIdentity where T can be any supported Mirage type and initialize it.


You need to initialize the SyncList immediately after the definition for them to work. You can mark them as readonly to enforce proper usage.

Basic example

using Mirage;
using Mirage.Collections;

public struct Item
public string name;
public int amount;
public Color32 color;

public class Player : NetworkBehaviour
private readonly SyncList<Item> inventory = new SyncList<Item>();

public int coins = 100;

public void Purchase(string itemName)
if (coins > 10)
coins -= 10;
Item item = new Item
name = "Sword",
amount = 3,
color = new Color32(125, 125, 125, 255)

// During next synchronization, all clients will see the item


You can detect when a SyncList changes on the client and/or server. This is especially useful for refreshing your UI, character appearance, etc.

There are different callbacks for different operations, such as OnChange (any change to the list), OnInsert (adding a new element), etc. Please check the SyncList API reference for the complete list of callbacks.

Depending on where you want to invoke the callbacks, you can use these methods to register them:

  • Awake for both client and server
  • Identity.OnStartServer event for server-only
  • Identity.OnStartClient event for client-only

By the time you subscribe, the list will already be initialized, so you will not get a call for the initial data, only updates.


using Mirage;
using Mirage.Collections;

public class Player : NetworkBehaviour
private readonly SyncList<Item> inventory = new SyncList<Item>();
private readonly SyncList<Item> hotbar = new SyncList<Item>();

// This will hook the callback on both server and client
private void Awake()
inventory.OnChange += UpdateInventory;

// Hotbar changes will only be invoked on clients
private void OnStartClient()
hotbar.OnChange += UpdateHotbar;

private void UpdateInventory()
// Here you can refresh your UI for instance

private void UpdateHotbar()
// Here you can refresh your UI for instance

By default, SyncList uses a List to store its data. If you want to use a different list implementation, add a constructor and pass the list implementation to the parent constructor. For example:

public SyncList<Item> myList = new SyncList<Item>(new MyIList<Item>());