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Ready Check and Lobby Ready


See the API reference for more details ReadCheck LobbyReady


  1. Attach the LobbyReady component to your network manager or other non-networked object.
  2. Attach the ReadyCheck component to your player's lobby object.
  3. Set the sync direction on ReadyCheck to From Server and Owner, To Server, Owner, and optionally Observers. This will allow the value to be set on the owner client as well as on the server to reset it when, like when LobbyReady.SetAllClientsNotReady() is called.


Setting Player Ready

To set a player as ready, you can simply update the IsReady field of their ReadyCheck component to true. This can be done either manually through code, or through user input such as a "Ready" button. Mirage will then sync this change to server and other clients. For example:


Reacting to Ready changes

When the IsReady field of a player's ReadyCheck component is changed, the OnReadyChanged event is invoked on all clients to reflect the new value. You can subscribe to this event and perform actions based on the player's ready state. For example, you can update UI elements to show the player's current ready status:

public class ReadyUI : MonoBehaviour
public ReadyCheck ReadyCheck;
public Image Image;

public void Start()
ReadyCheck.OnReadyChanged += OnReadyChanged;
// invoke right away to set the current value

private void OnReadyChanged(bool ready)
Image.color = ready ? :;

Sending Messages to Ready Players

To send a message to all players that are ready, you can use the LobbyReady.SendToReady function. Here's an example:

// Make sure to regieter message on client
public struct MyMessage
public string message;

public class LobbyController : MonoBehaviour
public LobbyReady LobbyReady;

public void SendToReady()
var myMessage = new MyMessage { message = "Hello, world!" };
// Send message to ready players

You can also send messages to not ready players by setting the sendToReady parameter to false. Note that this function only sends messages to players that have ReadyCheck attached to their character and are synced with the server.

public void SendToNotReady()
var myMessage = new MyMessage { message = "Hello, world!" };
// Send message to ready players
LobbyReady.SendToReady(myMessage, sendToReady: false);

Resetting Ready

Resetting Ready State for All Players You can reset the IsReady field for all players by calling LobbyReady.SetAllClientsNotReady(). Here's an example:

public void ClearReady()

This will set the IsReady field to false for all ReadyCheck on the server, the values will then be synced to client.