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Network Messages

For the most part, we recommend the high-level ServerRpc/ClientRpc calls and SyncVar, but you can also send low-level network messages. This can be useful if you want clients to send messages that are not tied to game objects, such as logging, analytics, or profiling information.


  1. Define a new struct (rather than a class to prevent GC allocations) that will represent your message.
  2. Add any supported Mirage types as public fields of that struct. This will be the data you want to send.
  3. Register a handler for that message on the NetworkServer and/or NetworkClient's MessageHandler depending on where you want to listen for that message being received.
  4. Use the Send() method on the NetworkClient, NetworkServer, or NetworkPlayer classes depending on which way you want to send the message.


// optional: add NetworkMessage attribute so that it is easier for Mirage to find
// using structs to prevent GC allocations
public struct ScoreMessage
public int score;
public Vector3 scorePos;
public int lives;

public class Scores : MonoBehaviour
// attach these in the inspector
public NetworkServer Server;
public NetworkClient Client;

private void Awake()

private void ClientStarted()
// Register Client to listen for the ScoreMessage

private void OnScore(INetworkPlayer player, ScoreMessage msg)
Debug.Log("ScoreMessage received on client with score " + msg.score);

// Send from server
public void SendScore(int score, Vector3 scorePos, int lives)
var msg = new ScoreMessage()
score = score,
scorePos = scorePos,
lives = lives

// also send to host player so we can update ui
Server.SendToAll(msg, authenticatedOnly: true, excludeLocalPlayer: false);

Note that there is no serialization code for the ScoreMessage struct in this source code example. Mirage will generate a reader and writer for ScoreMessage when it sees that it is being sent.