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Custom Spawn Functions

You can use spawn handler functions to customize the default behavior when creating spawned game objects on the client. Spawn handler functions ensure you have full control of how you spawn the game object, as well as how you destroy it.

Use ClientObjectManager.RegisterSpawnHandler or ClientObjectManager.RegisterPrefab to register functions to spawn and destroy client game objects. The server creates game objects directly and then spawns them on the clients through this functionality. This function takes either the asset ID or a prefab and two function delegates: one to handle creating game objects on the client, and one to handle destroying game objects on the client. The asset ID can be a dynamic one, or just the asset ID found on the prefab game object you want to spawn.

The spawn/unspawn delegates will look something like this:

Spawn Handler

NetworkIdentity SpawnDelegate(SpawnMessage msg) 
// do stuff here

UnSpawn Handler

void UnSpawnDelegate(NetworkIdentity spawned) 
// do stuff here

When a prefab is saved its PrefabHash field will be automatically set. If you want to create prefabs at runtime you will have to generate a new Hash instead.

Generate prefab at runtime

// Create a hash that can be generated on both server and client
// using a string and GetStableHashCode is a good way to do this
int coinHash = "MyCoin".GetStableHashCode();

// register handlers using hash
ClientObjectManager.RegisterSpawnHandler(coinHash, SpawnCoin, UnSpawnCoin);

The unspawn function may be left as null, Mirage will then call GameObject.Destroy when the destroy message is received.

Use existing prefab

// register handlers using prefab
ClientObjectManager.RegisterPrefab(coin, SpawnCoin, UnSpawnCoin);

Spawn on Server

int coinHash = "MyCoin".GetStableHashCode();

// spawn a coin - SpawnCoin is called on client
// pass in coinHash so that it is set on the Identity before it is sent to client
NetworkServer.Spawn(gameObject, coinHash);

The spawn functions themselves are implemented with the delegate signature. Here is the coin spawner. The SpawnCoin would look the same, but have different spawn logic:

public NetworkIdentity SpawnCoin(SpawnMessage msg)
return Instantiate(m_CoinPrefab, msg.position, msg.rotation);
public void UnSpawnCoin(NetworkIdentity spawned)

When using custom spawn functions, it is sometimes useful to be able to unspawn game objects without destroying them. This can be done by calling NetworkServer.Destroy(identity, destroyServerObject: false), making sure that the 2nd argument is false. This causes the object to be Reset on the server and sends a ObjectDestroyMessage to clients. The ObjectDestroyMessage will cause the custom unspawn function to be called on the clients. If there is no unspawn function the object will instead be Destroy

Note that on the host, game objects are not spawned for the local client, because they already exist on the server. This also means that no spawn or unspawn handler functions are called.

Setting Up a Game Object Pool with Custom Spawn Handlers

you can use custom spawn handlers in order set up object pooling so you dont need to instantiate and destroy objects each time you use them.

A full guide on pooling can be found here: Spawn Object Pooling

void ClientConnected() 
clientObjectManager.RegisterPrefab(prefab, PoolSpawnHandler, PoolUnspawnHandler);

// used by clientObjectManager.RegisterPrefab
NetworkIdentity PoolSpawnHandler(SpawnMessage msg)
return GetFromPool(msg.position, msg.rotation);

// used by clientObjectManager.RegisterPrefab
void PoolUnspawnHandler(NetworkIdentity spawned)

Dynamic spawning

Some times you may want to create objects at runtime and you might not know the prefab hash ahead of time. For this you can use Dynamic Spawn Handlers to return a spawn handler for a prefab hash.

Below is an example where client pre-spawns objects while loading, and then network spawns them when receiving a SpawnMessage from server.

Dynamic Handler avoid the need to add 1 spawn handler for each prefab hash. Instead you can just add a single dynamic handler that can then be used to find and return objects.

public class DynamicSpawning : MonoBehaviour
public ServerObjectManager ServerObjectManager;
public ClientObjectManager ClientObjectManager;

// store handler in field so that you dont need to allocate a new one for each DynamicSpawn call
private SpawnHandler _handler;
private List<NetworkIdentity> _preSpawnedObjects = new List<NetworkIdentity>();

// call this on server to spawn objects and send spawn message to client
public void SpawnOnServer()
// set up local objects

// send spawn message
for (var i = 0; i < _preSpawnedObjects.Count; i++)
// send index as prefabHash
ServerObjectManager.Spawn(_preSpawnedObjects[i], prefabHash: i);

// call this on client to spawn object and set up handler to receive spawn message
public void SpawnOnClient()
// set up local objects

// register handler so client can find objects when server sends spawn message
_handler = new SpawnHandler(FindPreSpawnedObject, null);

private void SpawnLocal()
// fill _preSpawnedObjects here with objects
// these can be prefabs or other objects you want to find
_preSpawnedObjects.Add(new GameObject("object 1").AddComponent<NetworkIdentity>());
_preSpawnedObjects.Add(new GameObject("object 2").AddComponent<NetworkIdentity>());

private SpawnHandler DynamicSpawn(int prefabHash)
// this will run for all SpawnMessages, so we must first check if this prefabHash is one we want to handle
if (IsPreSpawnedId(prefabHash))
// return a handler that is using FindPreSpawnedObject
return _handler;
return null;

private bool IsPreSpawnedId(int prefabHash)
// prefabHash starts with 16 bits of 0, then it an id we are using for spawning
// this chance of this happening randomly is very low
// you can do more validation on the hash based on use case
return (prefabHash & 0xFFFF) == 0;

// finds object based on hash and returns it
public NetworkIdentity FindPreSpawnedObject(SpawnMessage spawnMessage)
var prefabHash = spawnMessage.PrefabHash.Value;
// we stored index in last 16 bits on hash
var index = prefabHash >> 16;

var identity = _preSpawnedObjects[index];
return identity;