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Custom Authenticator

To create a custom Authenticator, follow these steps:

  1. Inherit from the NetworkAuthenticatorBase<T> class.
  2. Create a network message that your authenticator will receive from the client.
  3. Implement your authenticator to process this message and return a success or failure result.
  4. Optionally, your authenticator can return additional data that you want to set on INetworkPlayer.Authentication.
  5. Use the GetData<T>() method to retrieve the custom data on the client-side.
  6. Clients should use the SendAuthentication(NetworkClient client, T msg) method provided by the authenticator to correctly send the authentication message.

Step 1: Inherit from NetworkAuthenticatorBase<T>

public class CustomAuthenticator : NetworkAuthenticator<CustomAuthMessage>

Step 2: Create a Network Message

public struct CustomAuthMessage
// token used to validate user
public string token;

Step 3: Implement the Authenticator

    public class CustomAuthenticator : NetworkAuthenticator<CustomAuthMessage>
protected override async UniTask<AuthenticationResult> AuthenticateAsync(INetworkPlayer player, CustomAuthMessage msg)
// check user sent token, if they didn't then return fail
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg.token))
return AuthenticationResult.CreateFail("No token");

// send token to api to validate it
var result = await ValidateToken(msg.token);

// return success or fail
if (result.Success)
// create auth data, this will be set on NetworkPlayer.Authentication.Data
var data = new CustomAuthenticationData
UserId = result.UserId,
Username = result.UserName,
return AuthenticationResult.CreateSuccess(this, data);
return AuthenticationResult.CreateFail("Validate failed");

private static async UniTask<ValidateResultJson> ValidateToken(string token)
var sendJson = JsonUtility.ToJson(new ValidateTokenJson { token = token });

// make sure to send token over https
#if UNITY_2022_3_OR_NEWER
var webRequest = UnityWebRequest.PostWwwForm("", sendJson);
var webRequest = UnityWebRequest.Post("", sendJson);

// wait for result
var op = await webRequest.SendWebRequest();
var text = op.downloadHandler.text;
var result = JsonUtility.FromJson<ValidateResultJson>(text);
return result;

private struct ValidateTokenJson
public string token;

private struct ValidateResultJson
public bool Success;
public string UserId;
public string UserName;

Step 4: Return Additional Data (Optional)

public class CustomAuthenticationData
public string UserId;
public string Username;

Step 5: Retrieve Custom Data

public string GetPlayerName(INetworkPlayer player)
// get the data and cast it to customAuth type
var data = player.Authentication.GetData<CustomAuthenticationData>();

// use the data to get the value you want from it
return data.Username;

Step 6: Sending the Authentication Message Clients should use the SendAuthentication(NetworkClient client, T msg) method to correctly send the authentication message.


Using player.Send directly will not work because the authenticator message is wrapped in an internal AuthMessage message.